Monday 21 January 2013

Am I Liked...I think NOT! :D

How this course has reassured me of being a LOSER :D Take a look yourself Bloggoogle World ;)

How many different people have visited my blog?

NONE other than myself ... LOL NOT..... I forced my friends in this class which did not work so I bribed them with mini cut apple pieces! It works!!! I had 8 visits which makes me feel better of my existence :p

On average how long they visit my blog before leaving?

It has been viewed for an average 40 SECONDS before my bloggooglers decided there are better things to do such as comb their hair, sit on a couch or even lick their hand like a cat! :D MeOOOwww

What is my bounce rate? (BOY CHIKI BOW BOW) What does this mean?

The bounce rate is 37.50%. This just means that I am not as HILARIOUS or POPULAR as I thought. It reminds me that I may have been in a hole or bubble my entire life :p Guess that means I HAVE TO SHINE!

How many pages are viewed (on average) during each visit?

FOUND IT!!! The answer to this ridonculously hard question is 2.00. Am I shocked??? I THINK NOT ;)

Where in the world are my visitors located?

For the love of God, if I knew I would have found them, bribed them with donuts and had them view my page! OH OHHH ... this isn't asking why people arent viewing my page ... got it... BUT the question is what country so I will cut the shiznay and sum it up ...... KANEDA .... CANADA :)

What is my most popular page?

The most popular page for my blog is the main page :D Bloggoogle world civilians prefer to see the wrapper and move on to the next present. Not into SURPRISES i guess .... well give it a chance!

What is my least popular page?

My least viewed page is my first post. I cant blame anyone because people want things of their interest whereas that page displays information about me! I guess I have to find a way to encourage people to follow me and keep them interested :D

My Interests Bloggoogle World :D

Hello Jello Bloggoogle world CIVILIANS :D

My interests......hmmmmm....interesting question......let me think...... tapping nose.... OK done being annoying :D

1) I LOVE sports .. I follow soccer, basketball and hockey BUT I am more about playing them!
                              GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) In my spare time I go to the local pond or a second cup to write; memoir or poetry! I also enjoy reading almost anything.

3) I love being at school continuously learning, humor with professors, and so many memories with friends. I am also a member of the Business Council at Sheridan in which I help organize events on campus for students.

4) Anything with my best friends!!! We spend hours and hours chatting, watching movies, bowling, shooting pool and conversing but it never seems to be enough.

There is soooooooooooo MUCH more I can blabber about and go on and on and on and on and on ...... get my point or should I CONTINUE .... NO ..... EXCELLENT (mr, burns) :D

AND this conversation can not end without a pick up line ;) so for those in need:

My love for you is like diarrhea, I just cant hold it in! bahahahhahahahahah :D


Monday 14 January 2013

Dreams Reflecting Reality

Hello BLOGGOOGLE world J

WOW! I have to express my career goals for you wonderful citizens. I would like to start by saying that your going to continuously think so THINK BIG! I will definitely work towards achieving my degree and masters in business. I also want to do a one year post-grad certificate in immigration. I intend to complete my education in Honours with extra-curricular activity on my resume.

I want to have my own business in Make-up Artistry to express my talent outside my day-to-day norm. However, I would like to join marketing towards the public relations or media. This will lead to a bank account with some serious money (MOLLA) to spend on my personal goals:

The UNO goal is to buy a condominium which is basic but interior designing will be done by me  (this residence will be thee BOMB!)

The DEUX goal is to own an Audi A8 Spyder (small enough to fit me and large enough to feel the power ... I got the power .. boom boom boom) 

The most important one is a lake house for my days off to spend with family and friends. There is nothing more beautiful than being happy with yourself and remembering the most precious things in life. 

“Screw it, Let’s do it!” 
--Richard Branson


Hello fellow bloggers of BLOGGOOGLE world!

My name is Balreet Kaur Randhawa and my homeskilletbiscuits call me Reet or Ballu! I graduated from Chinguacousy Secondary School in 2007 and had 4 years off. I started college recently and plan to finish it well! I am doing the three year program in Business Administration - Marketing at Sheridan College and I have two options I may want to pursue. I will either attend Nipissing University to finish my degree or York University for Public Policy, Government and Law.

I am a Creator and a Spectator. I have strong involvement in community work, charities, and events which increases my use of social media in all aspects. I have to not only create but monitor and stay actively involved. These assets are also beneficial because I am helping my mom set up her own business and I intend to have my business up and running by the time I graduate my three year program.

I love reading, writing poetry, playing sports, dancing, pool, bowling, movies and so much more. There is nothing too crazy for me! I am referred to as a chameleon that blends in wherever i may go. 

There is no way that I can post this without putting up a joke ... pshhhtttt ... not happening ;) Here is a very effective pick up line for you FELLA SHERIDAN STUDENTS:

Baby did you fart, ’cause you blow me away!  :D  BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

SEE YOU LATER PeanutButterJellyCupCakes :)