Monday 21 January 2013

Am I Liked...I think NOT! :D

How this course has reassured me of being a LOSER :D Take a look yourself Bloggoogle World ;)

How many different people have visited my blog?

NONE other than myself ... LOL NOT..... I forced my friends in this class which did not work so I bribed them with mini cut apple pieces! It works!!! I had 8 visits which makes me feel better of my existence :p

On average how long they visit my blog before leaving?

It has been viewed for an average 40 SECONDS before my bloggooglers decided there are better things to do such as comb their hair, sit on a couch or even lick their hand like a cat! :D MeOOOwww

What is my bounce rate? (BOY CHIKI BOW BOW) What does this mean?

The bounce rate is 37.50%. This just means that I am not as HILARIOUS or POPULAR as I thought. It reminds me that I may have been in a hole or bubble my entire life :p Guess that means I HAVE TO SHINE!

How many pages are viewed (on average) during each visit?

FOUND IT!!! The answer to this ridonculously hard question is 2.00. Am I shocked??? I THINK NOT ;)

Where in the world are my visitors located?

For the love of God, if I knew I would have found them, bribed them with donuts and had them view my page! OH OHHH ... this isn't asking why people arent viewing my page ... got it... BUT the question is what country so I will cut the shiznay and sum it up ...... KANEDA .... CANADA :)

What is my most popular page?

The most popular page for my blog is the main page :D Bloggoogle world civilians prefer to see the wrapper and move on to the next present. Not into SURPRISES i guess .... well give it a chance!

What is my least popular page?

My least viewed page is my first post. I cant blame anyone because people want things of their interest whereas that page displays information about me! I guess I have to find a way to encourage people to follow me and keep them interested :D


  1. LOL don't worry Reet Kaur, it's only the beginning. I'll make sure to visit your blog every week as well haha.

  2. Hey Reet

    Hands down , you have THE BEST BLOG, really inspires me to make an effort with mines now

    keep up the great work :) 8> kyjana

  3. Hey Reet,

    Nice blog! It made me smile and chuckle. Don't worry, I think you're funny and interesting to read about. I decided to stop looking at your picture and read what the intelligent woman behind it had writtent. Glad I did because it made me smile-eeeeeee-and I love the colours, it makes me happy inside :). Keep up the faaaantastic work!

    Sandy xoxox
