Monday 14 January 2013


Hello fellow bloggers of BLOGGOOGLE world!

My name is Balreet Kaur Randhawa and my homeskilletbiscuits call me Reet or Ballu! I graduated from Chinguacousy Secondary School in 2007 and had 4 years off. I started college recently and plan to finish it well! I am doing the three year program in Business Administration - Marketing at Sheridan College and I have two options I may want to pursue. I will either attend Nipissing University to finish my degree or York University for Public Policy, Government and Law.

I am a Creator and a Spectator. I have strong involvement in community work, charities, and events which increases my use of social media in all aspects. I have to not only create but monitor and stay actively involved. These assets are also beneficial because I am helping my mom set up her own business and I intend to have my business up and running by the time I graduate my three year program.

I love reading, writing poetry, playing sports, dancing, pool, bowling, movies and so much more. There is nothing too crazy for me! I am referred to as a chameleon that blends in wherever i may go. 

There is no way that I can post this without putting up a joke ... pshhhtttt ... not happening ;) Here is a very effective pick up line for you FELLA SHERIDAN STUDENTS:

Baby did you fart, ’cause you blow me away!  :D  BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

SEE YOU LATER PeanutButterJellyCupCakes :) 

1 comment:

  1. Nice pick up line! I think I might use it on Russ since he enjoys showing me how loud/cool/funky his farts can be hahaha, gotta love that man ;). I liked reading about you, I learned new stuffs! always fun to learn new stuffs about fwiends! Peanut butter jelly time!!!
