Monday 21 January 2013

My Interests Bloggoogle World :D

Hello Jello Bloggoogle world CIVILIANS :D

My interests......hmmmmm....interesting question......let me think...... tapping nose.... OK done being annoying :D

1) I LOVE sports .. I follow soccer, basketball and hockey BUT I am more about playing them!
                              GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) In my spare time I go to the local pond or a second cup to write; memoir or poetry! I also enjoy reading almost anything.

3) I love being at school continuously learning, humor with professors, and so many memories with friends. I am also a member of the Business Council at Sheridan in which I help organize events on campus for students.

4) Anything with my best friends!!! We spend hours and hours chatting, watching movies, bowling, shooting pool and conversing but it never seems to be enough.

There is soooooooooooo MUCH more I can blabber about and go on and on and on and on and on ...... get my point or should I CONTINUE .... NO ..... EXCELLENT (mr, burns) :D

AND this conversation can not end without a pick up line ;) so for those in need:

My love for you is like diarrhea, I just cant hold it in! bahahahhahahahahah :D



  1. Yesss playing hockey! Love it! But sad to say I'm a Habs fan sooo...but that's okay, cause its back!

  2. I like conversing with you too! It never seems enough xox...partly because I try to hide my drool aftertime I look at your face and see how pretty you are...its like when Homer Simpson drools and makes that weird sound with his mouth open whenever he mentions beer or some super delicious like donuts...mmmmm donuts.....
